St. Joseph's Pre-University College, Jayalakshmipuram

Rules and Regulations

Every student must follow the ules and regulations mentioned here below.

  1. Students are required to maintain the highest standard of behavior and discipline both inside and outside the college campus.
  2. Students are required to improve and maintain consistency in their performance in the Pre University/ College Examination in order to get promotions to the subsequent year.
  3. Irregular attendance, indifference with regards to class work and examination, discourtesy towards teachers, insubordination, obscenity in word and act, wilful damage to college property, including in anti-socials activities, etc. will attract disciplinary action on the part of the College Administration which includes expulsion from the College without any prior notice.
  4. Reporting late to class is considered as absence from the class. Students shall not leave the institute during college hours. In case of any emergency or illness, the students should obtain written permission to leave the campus during the college hours accompanied by the parents or guardian.
  5. The College has a prescribed uniform dress code for the students, which is followed from the time of establishment of the College and shall continue throughput. The students are strictly required to be in prescribed uniform on all the days of their college life which includes days of examination, special class and visitation to the college campus for any purpose.
  6. Attendance to the College functions such as association meetings, College Assembly, Seminars, Group Discussions, and Industrial Visits etc. is compulsory.
  7. The students shall not organize ay activities or associate with any outside group unconcerned with the college without the written permission from the principal of the College.
  8. Students shall not convene any meeting, invite outsiders to the college campus. Publication of any material, canvassing and mobilizing of students for any particular purpose shall be permitted.
  9. Every students shall possess a college identity card issued by the college authority and shall produce the same whenever called for by the authority as well as the security.
  10. Use of mobile phones within the college premises are strictly prohibited. If any student uses the mobile phones within the college campus, the handset shall be seized and confiscated.
  11. The principal of the college has the authority to expel any student from the college if the student is guilty or serious misconduct.
  12. Ragging is a criminal offence and is strictly prohibited in the College premises. The college authority shall deal with the same as per the prevailing law which includes cancellation of admission of the student concerned.
  13. Students shall fulfil the minimum attendance requirement as prescribed by the educational authority.
  14. The students are required to update themselves of any communication of the College displayed on the notice boards.
  15. The college conducts parents=teachers meeting during the academic year, the students should accompany their parents/guardians in the prescribed uniforms.
  16. Confirmation of admission to the college is subject to payment of prescribed college fee and submission of necessary documents.

Refund of college fee is not allowed on cancellation of admission.

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